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Thinking Beyond Basic Backups to Tackle Ransomware

Although ransomware has long been a serious concern for business owners and Cybersecurity and Managed IT Services Provider companies all over the world, associated changes businesses adopted in response, created new opportunities for this threat to flourish.

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Thinking Beyond Basic Backups to Tackle Ransomware


Although ransomware has long been a serious concern for business owners and Cybersecurity and Managed IT Services Provider companies all over the world, the pandemic and associated changes businesses adopted in response, created new opportunities for this threat to flourish, and this attack method is likely to become even more dangerous and prevalent in the coming years.

While the number are still coming in, by September of 2021 nearly 500 million ransomware attacks occurred globally in 2020, a massive surge over the previous record-setting year.

Experts suggest that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

This is born out with new avenues evolving such as Ransomware as a Service (RasS) allowing a lower skill-level of bad-actor access to this attack vector by leveraging successful malware on a pay-per-use basis.

Unfortunately, even though SMBs continue to be disproportionately affected by these nefarious attacks, reporting and notifications rarely make the news.

When it comes to cybersecurity and ransomware, the biggest mistake SMBs make is assuming hackers only target large enterprises. This is why many SMBs still rely on simple backups and don’t have a solid strategy in place.

The truth is that hackers are counting on smaller businesses to have fewer cyber-security measures in place (not to mention a managed IT services provider company), making it easier for them to get into your systems.

While it’s good to have data backup, it’s high time you take your security a step further.


The 3-2-1 Backup Strategy for Your Business IT


This is an industry best practice for reducing the risk of losing data in the event of a breach.

The 3-2-1 strategy involves having at least three copies of your data, two on-site but on different mediums/devices, and one off-site.

Let’s examine each of the three elements and the issues they address.

Three copies of data

Having at least two additional copies of your data, in addition to your original data, is ideal. This ensures that, in the event of a disaster, you will always have additional copies.

The first backup copy of data is usually kept in the same physical location as the original, if not the same physical server.

Two different mediums

Storing additional copies of your valuable data on the same server/location won’t be helpful in the event of a breach.

Keep two copies of your data on different types of storage mediums such as internal hard drives, and removable storage like an external hard drive or a USB drive.

If this isn’t practical for your business, keep copies on two internal hard disks in separate storage locations.

One off-site copy

Keep one copy of your data off-site, far from the rest. This helps safeguard against worst-case scenarios.


In addition to the 3-2-1 backup strategy, consider applying the concept of layered cyber security to keep your data and backup copies secure.


Importance of Layered Security in Cyber Defense


Most SMBs have an antivirus or firewall installed, but this is usually insufficient to combat today’s sophisticated threat landscape, necessitating the application of a layered security approach – not to sound as a broken record but enter your Managed IT Services Provider.

Because no security technology or measure is flawless or guaranteed, layered security assumes that attackers will infiltrate different layers of an organization’s defenses or have already done so.

The goal of this approach is to provide multiple security measures so that if an attack gets past one security tool, there are others in place to help identify and stop the attack before your data is stolen.


The THREE ELEMENTS of layered security are:


Security policies, controls and processes should all be devised and implemented during the PREVENTION phase.


The goal of DETECTION is to discover and notify of a compromise as soon as possible.


A quick RESPONSE is crucial for the detection phase to be meaningful.


Layered security is divided into seven layers by cybersecurity experts.

Hackers seeking to get into a system must break through each layer to gain access.

If you want to keep cybercriminals out of your systems, your managed IT services company and your IT Department should concentrate on improving these seven layers.

  1. Information security policies

Implement security policies that restrict unauthorized access because the security and well-being of IT resources are dependent on them.

This will help you raise information security awareness inside your organization and demonstrate to your clientele that you’re serious about securing their data.

  1. Physical security

Physical security measures, such as fences and cameras, are critical to prevent unwanted intruders from breaking in.

It also helps monitor employees with access to sensitive systems.

  1. Network security

All it takes is for hackers to exploit a single vulnerability to get access to a company’s network.

They can easily break into computers and servers after they’ve gained access to your network. Therefore, establishing effective network security measures is essential.

  1. Vulnerability scanning

Vulnerabilities that occur because of factors such as inadequate patch management and misconfigurations open the door for cybercriminals.

However, vulnerability scans help detect these missed patches and improper configurations.

  1. Strong identity and access management (IAM)

Because of technological advancements, acquiring passwords and hacking into networks is easier than ever.

IAM restricts access to critical data and applications to certain workers, making unauthorized access hard.

  1. Proactive protection and reactive backup + recovery

Proactive protection detects and fixes security risks before they lead to a full-blown breach.

The goal of reactive backup and recovery is to recover quickly after an attack.

  1. Continual monitoring and testing

Failure to regularly monitor and test your backup and disaster recovery strategy is a major oversight and can result in a breach.


Look for a Business IT Ally


While it’s your responsibility to make sure your business doesn’t get sucked into the quicksand of data loss, it’s easy to become overwhelmed if you’re attempting to figure out everything on your own, our you have an overwhelmed IT team.

Working with a Managed Security and Managed IT Services provider like Sequentur gives you the advantage of having an expert team on your side – 24/7.

From prevention, to detection, and quick response – let your IT team know they have an ally with the skillset and experience on this matters at their side.

We’ll make sure your backup and security postures are squared away top to bottom and are well capable of tackling threats.

Reach out today for more information or click here to schedule a consultation.




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